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Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings in Lower Hutt, NZ

If you have a hole in your tooth and are experiencing pain, you will likely need a dental filling. Visit your dentist early to prevent infection!

White Fillings

What are Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are a very common treatment that we provide at Central Hutt Dental. They work to fill a hole in your tooth caused by decay and other issues. The following symptoms indicate that you might need a dental filling:

  • Sensitive teeth, especially when eating or drinking hot, cold, or sugary foods and beverages
  • Pressure within the tooth
  • If you see a hole in one of your teeth

It is essential to visit your dentist early before onset of these symptoms because as soon as a tooth feels symptoms you may be lucky and a filling treatment may be required, but often you may need a more complicated procedure to fix the tooth. Such as Root Canal or Tooth Removal/Extraction.

Benefits of Dental Fillings

Dental fillings restore your natural tooth when damaged by decay, without the need for extraction and more serious treatment options. If you don’t notice the hole for an extended amount of time, the tooth might be beyond repair, and you’ll likely need a tooth extraction or root canal treatment. To prevent such an outcome, you should take great care of your oral health and visit your dentist regularly!

What Type Of Dental Fillings Do We Offer?

At Central Hutt Dental, we have different types of fillings available to our patients, so you can find the exact solution you are looking for.

Glass ionomer, resin composites, porcelain and ceramic fillings are also widely used at our clinic. Our dentists will use glass ionomer as a temporary filling for when you have had a root canal or other similar treatments or glue a dental crown to your tooth. Porcelain and ceramic fillings are also called inlays and onlays and are used to reconfigure a damaged tooth structure. Gone are the days of silver fillings, a white resin composite is made to protect a weaken decayed tooth while supporting its function of preventing future pain or infection. If you are looking for a more obvious and expensive solution, gold fillings are an option.

Our dentists will provide you with a suggested oral health routine at the appointment to ensure that no further issues arise with the filled tooth! Always follow the suggestions of your dentist if you want excellent oral health.

Contact Central Hutt Dental in Lower Hutt


Only your dentist can verify if you need a filling. Visit our office in Lower Hutt for a dental examination scheduling an appointment online or by dialling 04 566 1122 today.