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Orthodontics has become one of the most popular and effective treatments we have in dentistry. These days patients are asking for and benefiting from having teeth sit an ideal relationship. The functional and cosmetic benefits are huge and can help instil confidence in your smile and improve the function of your bite.

Traditionally there was only one appliance that we used, a fixed appliance or braces. But as things change, there are new developments that have taken the orthodontic world by storm, and that is the evolution of dental aligners. A wearable clear easy-to-use appliance that can help achieve great results for patients. The advent of aligners has meant a newfound interest in orthodontics, especially adult orthodontics. There are a lot of older patients that suffer from crowding, spacing, and misaligned teeth that do not want to go through braces but do choose aligners for their many advantages.

So to give you a clearer comparison between the two we have added information on both below


Braces were initially developed in the early 1800s and are considered the traditional orthodontic choice. Over the years braces treatments have become more effective and versatile, and are still the main way to straighten teeth. The strides and developments in newer materials also mean they are less intrusive and more comfortable than they were in the past.

Braces are called a fixed appliance because the parts are ‘glued’ onto the teeth so compliance isn’t an issue. They are a combination of brackets wires ligatures and other parts that the treating doctor will use to correct the orthodontic issues of your teeth. Braces are able to be used to correct many different issues and are easily repaired and changed to the doctor’s requirements. They can also work in functional appliances and in more complex surgical cases (jaw surgery, open bite, underbite etc.) and due to the fact that there is more control the treatment does tend to finish a little quicker.

Unfortunately, there are some negatives to traditional braces. They’re not the most fashionable accessory and can be more uncomfortable to wear due to the nature of the appliance. Now there are ceramic braces that can often be used that are more aesthetically pleasing than metal braces but they cannot be used for every case and are still more intrusive than aligners.

Clear aligners

Aligners straighten your teeth by utilising a set of transparent, plastic, removable trays that put forces on the teeth that progressively shift your teeth into the ideal position. Patients will normally get multiple aligners they were sequentially to take the teeth through the treatment. Part of aligner therapy usually means also placing small white filling lumps on some of the teeth to allow the aligners to move certain teeth in a more controlled manner.

The benefits of aligners are well known, they are sleek and are perceived as more comfortable as they are custom-made to fit over your teeth (there are no metal parts). They can be removed to the ear and clean your teeth which is a huge advantage over braces as home care is very easy. They are also clear and adult patients really enjoy this as it means the appearance of the teeth while they are being treated is not affected like in braces.

Much like braces, there are some drawbacks to aligners. They are not as easily repaired as braces as they are usually made by a third-party company. The aligners can also discolour (luckily, they are changed every 2-4 weeks). Aligners cannot do all cases with more complex orthodontic treatment being a limitation. Finally, aligners often need refinements and so treatment can often take longer than initially thought


The cost of braces and Invisalign is determined by your treatment. Braces are estimated to cost between $3000 and $7000. Invisalign is often more expensive, with prices ranging from $3000 to $11,000. The overall cost of your braces or Invisalign will be determined by the duration, whether you require a partial or complete set, and the number of visits required.

When assessing orthodontic treatment choices, there is a lot to think about. Determine which positives and negatives are most important to you in order to make your decision simpler. The team here at Central Hutt Dental can provide you with all the knowledge and guidance to advise what orthodontic treatment may work best for you. Contact us today to book an orthodontic consultation.