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One of the most common questions a dentist gets asked is “how much will it cost?” There isn’t a hard and fast answer, so we thought we’d outline the important things. What’s involved in getting a crown down? What your options are, and of course what will a crown cost you?

What Is A Crown?

Crowns are ceramic caps that cover the whole tooth and are attached to the remaining tooth structure. Crowns are 3-5 times stronger than composites and give full-functioning enhanced strength. They have a more natural aesthetic look than fillings and are more lasting. Most insurance companies estimate that a well-cared-for crown will last 5-7 years. While crowns are more expensive upfront, they are less expensive in the long run when compared to massive composite restorations. Crowns will also provide you with more overall comfort. Their smoother borders and connections between teeth provide better gum comfort and reduce the likelihood of food packing.

Benefits Of Dental Crowns:

A dental crown can be utilised to improve your oral health while also concealing a variety of aesthetic faults in your tooth. These repairs can include:

  • Enhance the look of your teeth
  • After a root canal, protect your teeth.
  • Keep fractured or broken teeth together.
  • Fillings that are big or worn out should be replaced.
  • Restore damaged or shattered teeth

Issues With Crowns:

Crowns are made of robust and durable materials, but they can still shatter over time. Small cracks may often be mended, but if your restoration has several chips or fractures, they may need to be replaced. If the dental cement used to secure a crown weakens or washes away, germs can form beneath the crown. The dentist must first file down and restructure the afflicted teeth permanently. Crowns that are not properly fitted get loose and may fall off. Finally, some individuals have increased sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures after having a dental crown, however, this is frequently resolved by using toothpaste formulated particularly for sensitive teeth.

Price Point Of Dental Crowns:

Crown prices may vary based on the material chosen and the amount of preparation required. For example, all-porcelain crowns are often more expensive than metal crowns. Furthermore, in some cases, a core build-up is necessary before a crown can be put in to assist safeguard the tooth’s integrity. Other times, dentists must do a gingivectomy or minor gum surgery, which involves removing a portion of the gums in the mouth to improve the aesthetics or prognosis of the tooth or teeth.

If you are dissatisfied with a damaged or discoloured tooth, or if you have an old or cracked restoration, a dental crown may be the best option for restoring your tooth and restoring your smile. A visit to Central Hutt Dental can assist you in determining the best treatment choice. If you reside in the Wellington region and are seeking restorative or cosmetic dentistry, call Central Hutt Dental or make an appointment online now.